
Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Exciting News - September 24, 2010

On Friday, September 24th, I realized that my monthly friend had not visited as scheduled, so I rushed home to take a pregnancy test. Jackson was home packing for a bachelor party weekend, so I told him what was going on. Of course he laughed and said, "Ya right....just wait until tomorrow." Being impatient, I rushed to the restroom and......saw 2 pink lines!! Whoo-hoo!!! I ran to the bedroom and showed him the stick. We both had huge smiles!!! Being the the skeptical person he is, he said he wouldn't believe it until I had a blood test. (Ya right! He was excited) I immediately called my sister so that she could help me cover for that afternoon's happy hour!
I woke up early Saturday morning and prepared for an exciting day of wedding showers for my dear friend Katie. However, I rushed to the clinic in Wharton for a blood test first thing. Since I hadn't seen my doctor, they made me wait for the results. That hour seemed like 10-thank goodness I was able to text my sister the whole time!! Finally the lady came out and said, "Congratulations!" All smiles once again, I called Jackson and told him the GREAT news!! The bad thing was, I had to spend the day with friends and not say a word! Yikes!! Some how I survived!
I had to wait until November 4th to see the doctor and have my first ultrasound.

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