
Thursday, January 27, 2011

22 Weeks along....

Today I had my 22 week appointment. I weighed in 1 pound heavier thant last time for a total of 3lbs total gain. However, we are not measuring inches - I'm pretty sure my but and hips are growing!! My dr. was pleased with that as was I. Since I'm so short and have NO torso, I'm going straight out!! Yikes! The dr. didn't even have to search for the heart beat this time! (yay!) He barely put the doppler on my belly and you could hear Maggie's heart beat  going strong! It was really exciting!! The bad part about the appointment was that urine sample came back showing high sugar. Of course they questioned me on what I ate for lunch trying to figure out what I had sweet. The sad thing is....I had nothing sweet! :( He seemed concerned, but wasn't really "that" concerned. Instead of doing my glucose test at 30 weeks, he is going to do it at my next appt. on Feb. 24th. Hopefully everything will go well!

As for the rest of this week....yikes! It has been a doozy! I started my Monday night class in Victoria, which isn't bad, I just hate having to drive. However, I only have to do it until March 7th. Wednesday was picture day, which throws your whole schedule off. Then today we had Bluebonnet Book Voting-which wasn't working so that put us 1 hr behind schedule, and my kids got to go to Mr. Gatti's for E-award which was another hour!! UUGGHHH!! So glad tomorrow is Friday!!!

One good thing that did happen today was that Sears FINALLY delivered my correct fridge, and Jackson installed the new countertops!! Whoo-hoo!! Now all we need is the backsplash and the house will be 100%!! I have to take my state exam on Saturday, so hopefully Jackson will work on some more little odds and ends around here while I'm gone. Then hopefully we will hang some decor on the walls on Sunday - I've been putting it off!

I hope everyone has a GREAT Friday and a Fantastic weekend!!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Oooo...We're Half Way There....

I am 20 weeks today, which means I'm half way there! O ya!! :)  Last night Jackson took two belly photos for me to put in Miss Maggie's baby book. The wild thing has been moving quite a bit lately. Last night I was laying on my back watching tv and she rolled or did something major. It was the NEATEST feeling-it hurt a little but felt good at the same time!!! She was then close to the "surface" and you could really feel where she was! I called Jackson to come in and feel it and of course he didn't want to get up until the next commerical. MEN!!! By the time he did come, she had already went back to her comfy position. However, when he left this morning, he kissed me and walked out of the room. Apparently Maggie wanted some of daddy's attention so she did it again! This time he was able to feel where she was a little bit.
I must say that being pregnant is a wonderful blessing from God. I enjoy every minute of it - even when I was sick!  I wish and pray for everyone to be able to someday feel this excitement!

As for the house....we are unpacking a little more each day!!! A lot of the stuff is wedding gifts that we didn't need right when we got married, so we put them in tubs until we got a new house. I must say that I feel like I just got married! Lol! I also found gifts that I had purchased just to have around for that last minute party/occassion. However, some of them I may want to keep for myself!
As soon as EVERYTHING is in it's place, we will be having everyone over to come see!!

Monday, January 10, 2011

Moved In!!

Jackson, Annie, and I spent our first night in the new house on Saturday! It was very exciting! We spent the weekend unpacking more stuff and tried to get settled. I will try to post pics soon!!
Last year we bought Annie her own bed, but she refused to sleep on it and slept with us instead. For some reason, she likes her bed now. She slept on it all night Saturday until 6am Sunday....she heard a loud noise and came and climbed in bed with us. I love having her to snuggle with, but I do hope she continues to sleep in her own bed!
Another exciting thing....Miss Maggie has began to move around even more! It's neat that I can finally feel her more often! Actually...she's been wild today!!

Monday, January 3, 2011

It's a GIRL!!

YAY!! Maggie Mae should be here June 2nd!!! Everything went great at my appointment! She was extra active and even decided to pee while we were making sure she was a girl! haha I gained two pounds, which is all I've gained this whole time, and the doctor was pleased with that!
Now it's time to buy some pink bows!!!!
Maggie Mae's profile view.